Subordinating Conjunctions and Subordinate Clauses SATs Style Questions

English Resource Description
KS2Gems has created a set of SATs style questions specifically tailored to enhance students' understanding of subordinating conjunctions and subordinate clauses. These five questions are crafted to mirror the style found in past SATs papers, offering students a realistic practice opportunity. The exercise is designed to be used as a starter activity, either to assess students' existing knowledge or as a retrieval practice to reinforce their learning. Each question is followed by an answer slide, providing immediate feedback and facilitating a quick review of concepts.
The questions range from identifying subordinate clauses within sentences to underlining subordinating conjunctions. For example, students are asked to discern which group of words constitutes a subordinate clause from a selection of sentences. They are also tasked with underlining the subordinate clause in a given sentence, such as "Ross and I are walking to school; we will be late as we are taking the long route." Another question requires students to tick whether a group of words is a main or subordinate clause within a given context. Additionally, they must underline the subordinating conjunction in various sentences, reinforcing their understanding of how these conjunctions function within a sentence structure. The final question asks students to identify the type of clause that is underlined in a sentence about having pizza and lemonade at a friend's house, further solidifying their grasp of subordinate clauses.