Apostrophes SATs Style Questions

Year 6
Apostrophes SATs Style Questions
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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KS2Gems has crafted a valuable resource for students preparing for their SATs, focusing on the proper use of apostrophes in English grammar. The resource includes five SATs style questions that challenge students to discern between apostrophes used for contraction and those used for possession. These questions are patterned after the style found in past SATs papers, providing a realistic practice experience for students. The answers are conveniently provided after each question, allowing for immediate feedback and learning reinforcement.

The exercises require students to analyse sentences and determine the function of the apostrophe within them. For example, students must identify whether the apostrophe indicates a contracted form, as in "Freddie's tired" (which means "Freddie is tired"), or possession, such as in "Where is Henry's book?" where it shows that the book belongs to Henry. Additionally, the resource explains how the placement of an apostrophe can change the meaning of a sentence, as demonstrated with the singular "The girl's shoes were dirty" versus the plural "The girls' shoes were dirty." Through these exercises, students practice the contraction of phrases like "He will not" to "won't," and learn to correctly place apostrophes in sentences to denote possession, as in "Children's bags must be placed in lockers."

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