Pig Heart Boy - Learning Objectives

English Resource Description
The learning objectives for Year 6 during Spring Term 2 revolve around the core text "Pig Heart Boy" and are intricately linked to the topic of Science, specifically animals including humans and the circulatory system. The unit is designed to culminate in written outcomes that include a biography of the character Cameron's life, a diary entry, a persuasive paragraph, and possible applications such as an information text about the human heart and a discussion text on xenotransplantation.
Students are expected to develop a range of skills across different areas. In Spoken Language, they should be able to articulate opinions with reasons, listen to others, and use Standard English in discussions. The Reading objectives focus on understanding themes, discussing the meaning of words in context, asking questions for clarity, making inferences, predicting outcomes, and evaluating language use in texts. For Writing - Composition, students must understand the need for varying sentence structures, word choices, and levels of formality depending on the text type. Finally, in Writing - Grammar and Vocabulary, objectives include mastering clear opening and closing paragraphs, linking ideas within paragraphs using various devices, and selecting the appropriate formality level for the audience and purpose of the writing.