Year 5 and 6 Kensuke's Kingdom English Overview

English Resource Description
The Year 5 and 6 English curriculum for the Spring Term places emphasis on the core text "Kensuke's Kingdom" by Michael Morpurgo, integrating geography through map work and locational knowledge. The unit aims to produce written outcomes that include an eye witness account, a setting description, and a diary entry. These tasks are designed to engage students with the text and encourage them to explore its themes and settings in depth.
Spoken language objectives for the term include expressing opinions with reasons, listening to others, and employing Standard English in discussion. Reading objectives are comprehensive, covering the identification and discussion of themes, checking comprehension, exploring word meanings, asking insightful questions, drawing inferences, making predictions, summarising ideas, and understanding the impact of language and structure. Writing composition objectives focus on recognising the requirements of different text types, including sentence structure, word choice, and formality levels, while also understanding the purpose of writing and its effect on the reader. Grammar and vocabulary objectives highlight the organization of texts through paragraphing, the use of cohesive devices, choosing the appropriate formality level, developing a bank of noun phrases, and understanding the use of active and passive sentences. These objectives are designed to enhance students' reading and writing skills, ensuring they can analyse and produce complex texts with confidence.