Year 6 Scheme Overview

Year 6
Year 6 Scheme Overview
Focus Education
Focus Education

English Resource Description

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The Year 6 Scheme Overview provides a structured and comprehensive education plan that spans the entire academic year, integrating literature, writing, poetry, and curriculum links to other subjects. In the Autumn term, students delve into a Novel Study, which continues into the first three weeks of Spring 1. From week 4 of Spring 1 and throughout Spring 2, as well as in the Summer terms, students explore a variety of core texts, including 'Trash' by Andy Mulligan, 'Macbeth' by Shakespeare, and 'Wonder' by J.P. Palacio. These texts are accompanied by a reading focus on 'The Spider and the Fly' by Mary Howitt and Tony Di Terlizzi, and a writing focus on 'Tales from the Arabian Nights'.

Alongside these literary explorations, students engage with poetry, reading from 'The Barefoot Book of Earth Poems' by Grace Nicholls, Shakespearean blank verse, 'Body Talk' by Benjamin Zephaniah, and 'The Door' by Miroslav Holub. The curriculum is further enriched with links to Geography, studying South America and rainforests, and to History, with a focus on the Shakespearean theatre and the Islamic civilization around AD900 known as the 'Golden Age'. Science topics are woven throughout, covering classification and life cycles, electrical circuits, evolution and inheritance, and the circulatory system. The Learning Challenge Curriculum poses thought-provoking questions related to these subjects, such as the importance of rainforests and the human heart's function. This holistic approach to learning is designed to foster a deep understanding and appreciation of both literature and the broader world in which students live.

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