Little Evie in the Wild Wood - Teaching Slides

Year 2
Little Evie in the Wild Wood - Teaching Slides
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In this interactive and imaginative set of teaching slides from Focus Education, students are encouraged to engage with the book "Little Evie in the Wild Wood" through a series of critical thinking and creative activities. Initially, they are prompted to examine the book cover, absent of its title, and deduce potential storylines based on visual clues. This exercise stimulates the pupils' curiosity, prompting them to formulate questions and draw parallels with other familiar tales. As they progress, the students are introduced to the title and cover of the book, which allows them to refine their predictions about the story's content, enhancing their inferential and predictive reading skills.

The educational journey continues as the children delve into the text, utilizing a 'word detective grid' to decipher unfamiliar vocabulary. They are encouraged to contemplate the author's choice of words and phrasing, such as "fallen to earth" and "the trees made a tunnel," to develop a deeper understanding of literary techniques. In subsequent activities, without the aid of illustrations, students draw upon descriptive language to visualize and sketch scenes, later comparing their interpretations with peers. This approach not only fosters creativity but also hones their ability to interpret text. As they read further, they explore the atmosphere created by the writer through descriptions and sounds, and they are tasked with expressing their emotional responses to the illustrations, particularly in relation to the character of Little Evie and her encounters within the story.

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