Paddington at the Palace - Teaching Slides

English Resource Description
The teaching slides from Focus Education UK Ltd provide a comprehensive toolkit for exploring the story of "Paddington at the Palace." The slides guide students through a variety of activities that help them delve into the narrative and its vocabulary. Key words such as 'peered,' 'periscope,' and 'busby' are examined, prompting students to ponder their meanings and how they contribute to the story. The slides encourage students to predict what might happen next, fostering engagement and critical thinking. Additionally, the materials offer exercises for building noun phrases and sentences, enhancing students' descriptive language skills. For instance, students are prompted to describe nouns like 'nose' and 'fur' with accompanying adjectives, and then to construct sentences using phrases such as 'ears to hear every sound' and 'large feet to grip trees.'
As the lesson progresses, students are invited to step into Paddington's shoes, reflecting on his emotions and thoughts throughout his adventure. Thought-provoking questions like "What is Paddington thinking?" and "How does Paddington feel during the story?" encourage students to empathise with the character and to consider the narrative from his perspective. The slides also include activities that explore the use of time adverbials in storytelling, such as 'after a while' and 'eventually,' teaching students how to sequence events effectively. Additionally, the toolkit offers guidance on writing recounts, including the use of past tense, time adverbs, conjunctions, and expanded noun phrases. By the end of the lesson, students are equipped to write their own summaries of Paddington's visit to the palace, as well as to engage with other narratives, such as the story of Katie in London, in a similarly analytical and creative manner.