Macbeth - Lesson 16 - The Story so Far Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Macbeth - Lesson 16 - The Story so Far Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In this worksheet, students are tasked with recalling and summarising the events of Act Three of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'. As the new king of Scotland, Macbeth is plagued by insecurity and paranoia. He is haunted by the witches' foretelling that Banquo's descendants will ascend to the throne. Desperate to secure his position and ensure his lineage reigns supreme, Macbeth employs two murderers to eliminate Banquo and his son, Fleance. However, their plan is only partially successful; Banquo is slain, but Fleance manages to flee and evade death.

The dramatic tension escalates during a banquet at Macbeth's castle. As the feast commences, one of the murderers arrives, informing Macbeth of Banquo's demise and Fleance's escape. The evening takes a supernatural turn when Banquo's ghost materialises and occupies Macbeth's seat. This apparition is visible only to Macbeth, who reacts with visible alarm and distress, nearly exposing his heinous deeds to the assembled nobility. Lady Macbeth intervenes, concocting excuses for her husband's erratic behaviour and hastily dismissing their guests to prevent further suspicion. Determined to fortify his kingship and quash any threats, Macbeth resolves to seek out the witches once more and continue his ruthless campaign against any perceived adversaries to his rule.

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