Climate Change - Unit 2 - Non-Chron Report PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Climate Change - Unit 2 - Non-Chron Report PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The educational resource on climate change encourages students to delve into the creation of a non-chronological report, which aims to enlighten others about the critical issue of climate change. As burgeoning experts on the subject, students are prompted to consider what content should be included to effectively inform readers and what visual elements will make the report engaging. The report is to be structured with a clear title, introduction, and informative sub-headings, complemented by relevant images with captions, text boxes, and the use of bold fonts to highlight key facts. The inclusion of technical language, consistent use of present tense, and a variety of fonts and sizes are also recommended to enhance the report's impact.

Students are guided to plan their report in four distinct sections, addressing what climate change is, its causes, effects, and how we can help mitigate it. The narrative explains that the Earth is warming, affecting all life forms, and presents options for causes and effects of climate change to be included, such as the role of factories, vehicles, deforestation, and the impact on ice caps and weather patterns. To empower students to take action, the resource suggests practical 'top tips' for contributing positively to the planet's future, like conserving energy, opting for walking over driving, and raising awareness. Additionally, students are encouraged to incorporate startling statistics into their reports to underscore their arguments and present themselves as knowledgeable on the subject.