Holes Lesson 9: Yellow-spotted Lizards - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Holes Lesson 9: Yellow-spotted Lizards - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson 9 of the 'Holes' unit, titled "Yellow-spotted Lizards," students are tasked with enhancing their understanding of descriptive writing and its impact on the reader's imagination. The lesson objectives are twofold: firstly, to explore how authors craft vivid imagery through description, and secondly, to deepen comprehension of the story's plot by engaging with the protagonist Stanley's perspective. The lesson begins with a creative exercise where students use details from Chapter 8 to draw and label a Yellow-spotted lizard, thus visualising the creature as described in the text.

After reading up to the end of Chapter 9, which details Stanley's initial experiences at Camp Green Lake, students are prompted to reflect on the letter he writes home to his mother. They are encouraged to consider why Stanley might choose not to reveal the harsh realities of camp life in his correspondence. The key activity of the lesson involves imagining an 'alternative' letter where Stanley is candid about his first day. Students are tasked with writing this honest letter, conveying the true nature of life at the camp. To conclude, students share their letters with a partner and engage in a peer feedback session, asking for input on the strengths of their work and suggestions for improvement, thereby practicing critical thinking and constructive criticism.

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