Noughts and Crosses Game - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Noughts and Crosses Game - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

AI generated

The Noughts and Crosses Game is an interactive PowerPoint activity designed to engage a classroom in a fun and educational way. Ideal for use as a starter or plenary activity, this game divides the class into two teams, one represented by blue Xs and the other by green Os. The game is played in a similar fashion to the classic Noughts and Crosses (Tic Tac Toe) game, but with an educational twist. The quizmaster, typically the teacher, asks questions related to the text or subject matter being studied in class.

When a team answers a question correctly, the quizmaster clicks on the corresponding coloured box within the chosen square on the digital grid, and it will change to display the team's symbol (X or O). If a team answers incorrectly, the question is passed to the opposing team for a chance to claim the square. The objective for each team is to create a line of their symbols across the grid, whether it be horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. To start a new game, one simply clicks on the white background of the slide. This interactive game encourages learning through competition and teamwork, all while reinforcing the lesson's content in a memorable and enjoyable manner.

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