Punctuating Speech - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Punctuating Speech - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The PowerPoint presentation on punctuating speech provides an educational resource for both reading and writing objectives. For reading, it aims to help students recognise the use of speech marks by authors and understand their purpose. When it comes to writing, the focus is on teaching students how to correctly use and punctuate speech marks. The presentation underscores the importance of speech marks in clarifying spoken words within a text. It highlights that all punctuation related to the spoken words should be placed inside the speech marks, and a new line should be used for each new speaker.

Additionally, the presentation includes activities to reinforce the correct use of speech marks. Students are presented with sentences that they must rewrite, inserting speech marks and the appropriate punctuation. Examples are provided to guide them through the process. The activities are designed to help students practice and understand the structure of direct speech in writing. Peer assessment is also encouraged, allowing students to review each other's work and provide feedback, further enhancing their understanding and ability to punctuate speech effectively.

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