The Suffix '-ed' - Worksheet

English Resource Description
An educational resource, titled "The Suffix '-ed' Worksheet," is designed to help students understand how to form past tense verbs from their present tense counterparts by applying various spelling rules. The worksheet outlines specific rules for adding the '-ed' suffix, catering to different verb endings such as short vowel sounds, verbs ending in 'e', and those ending in a consonant followed by 'y'. It prompts learners to transform a list of present tense verbs like 'crinkle', 'sprint', and 'wobble' into their past tense forms while being mindful of the exceptions to the general rule.
In addition to forming past tense verbs, the worksheet encourages students to identify the spelling rule applied by categorizing each transformed verb under the labels A, B, C, or D, corresponding to the rules provided. For instance, verbs that simply require the addition of '-ed', those needing a doubled consonant before the suffix, verbs where the final 'e' is dropped before adding '-ed', and verbs where 'y' changes to 'i' before the suffix. To deepen their understanding, students are also instructed to write sentences using at least five of the newly formed past tense verbs, allowing them to practice their application in context. This exercise is an effective tool for enhancing English language skills, particularly in the area of verb conjugation and spelling.