The Twits - Lesson 3: Mrs. Twit - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
The Twits - Lesson 3: Mrs. Twit - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Delving into the world of Roald Dahl's characters, a specific English Teaching Resource is dedicated to exploring the character of Mrs. Twit. The objective of this lesson is to develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of this particularly unsavoury character from Dahl's 'The Twits'. Students are encouraged to read up to the end of the chapter titled 'The Glass Eye' and jot down their observations and insights about Mrs. Twit's personality and actions. They are prompted to consider her appearance, how she has changed over time, and the peculiarities that make her character stand out, such as her use of a walking stick and her glass eye, which she occasionally removes.

After gathering information about Mrs. Twit, the students are tasked with writing a descriptive paragraph about her, using provided sentence starters to help structure their thoughts. This exercise aims to assist students in transforming their notes into a coherent piece of writing that captures the essence of Mrs. Twit's character. To conclude the lesson, volunteers are invited to read their work aloud to the class. This is followed by a plenary session where classmates offer constructive feedback, focusing on the positive aspects of the work and suggesting areas for improvement. This collaborative approach not only develops writing skills but also fosters a supportive learning environment where students can critique and learn from each other.

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