Using the Senses - Lesson 2: Exploring the Senses - Worksheets

Year 1 - Year 2
Using the Senses - Lesson 2: Exploring the Senses - Worksheets
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Sweet Senses Worksheet" is an engaging educational resource from, designed to help students explore and describe a sweet using their five senses. This worksheet encourages children to think creatively and articulate their sensory experiences. The task is to generate descriptive words that capture what they see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. By focusing on each sense individually, students learn to pay close attention to the details of their sensory interactions with the world around them, enhancing their descriptive language skills.

The worksheet provides a simple table with columns labelled for each of the five senses. Students are prompted to fill in the table with words that describe a sweet, such as its appearance, the sounds associated with unwrapping or eating it, its scent, the texture and feeling when touched, and the flavours tasted. This activity not only enriches vocabulary but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the nuances of sensory perception. It's a practical tool for English teaching that combines learning with a sensory exploration of everyday objects.

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