The 'ss' Sound - Phonics Teaching Resource with Worksheets - Worksheet

The 'ss' Sound - Phonics Teaching Resource with Worksheets - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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For primary school students mastering phonics, the 'ss' sound worksheet is an engaging resource that helps reinforce this particular consonant digraph. The first worksheet invites children to complete words with the 'ss' sound by filling in the blanks and then drawing lines to connect the completed words to their corresponding pictures. Examples of words they may encounter include 'glass', 'kiss', and 'dress'. This activity not only aids in recognising the 'ss' sound but also in associating it with visual representations, enhancing both their spelling and reading skills.

The second worksheet provides a different challenge, incorporating a word search puzzle where students must find words containing the 'ss' sound hidden among a grid of letters. Words such as 'class', 'grass', and 'press' are to be discovered. After successfully identifying the words, the task extends to using two of the found words in complete sentences, allowing children to practice their writing and comprehension abilities. This activity not only solidifies their understanding of the 'ss' sound but also encourages them to apply their phonics knowledge in a practical context. The worksheets are designed to be interactive and enjoyable, making phonics practice an enjoyable part of learning for young students.

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