The 'ss' Sound - Phonics Teaching Resource with Worksheets - PowerPoint

The 'ss' Sound - Phonics Teaching Resource with Worksheets - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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An engaging phonics teaching resource, complete with worksheets and a PowerPoint presentation, is designed to help Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) students learn about the 'ss' sound. This resource is a practical tool for educators to introduce the 'ss' sound, a digraph commonly found at the end of words. For example, the sound can be heard in words like 'hiss', 'press', 'class', and 'address'. The lesson encourages students to actively participate by making the 'ss' sound out loud and includes a variety of interactive activities such as watching a short video to reinforce their understanding.

The resource provides a series of worksheets where students can complete words by adding the 'ss' digraph, thereby forming words like 'glass', 'kiss', and 'dress'. Additionally, there is a fun word search activity that helps students identify words containing the 'ss' sound. Students are then prompted to choose two words from the word search and use them in sentences, further applying their knowledge in a practical context. This comprehensive approach to phonics education ensures that students not only recognise the 'ss' sound but can also use it correctly in their writing and reading.

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