What do we mean by matter? -Worksheet - Year 4

Year 4
What do we mean by matter? -Worksheet - Year 4
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The term 'matter' is a fundamental concept in science, particularly for Year 4 students who are beginning to explore the physical world in more detail. Matter refers to anything that has mass and takes up space. It encompasses everything around us, in various forms known as states of matter. These states include solids, liquids, and gases, each with distinct characteristics based on their molecular structure and behaviour. The worksheet encourages students to reflect on their learning by listing five new facts they have discovered about these states of matter, solidifying their understanding of the subject.

Beyond defining matter, the worksheet prompts students to think about how matter can transition between different states, such as how a solid might melt into a liquid or a liquid might evaporate into a gas. These changes of state are fascinating processes that involve energy transfer and can be observed in everyday life. Additionally, the worksheet asks students to consider how we can classify matter into solids, liquids, and gases. This involves recognising and grouping materials based on their properties, such as shape and volume consistency. Through these explorations, students gain a deeper insight into the physical properties of the world around them and the scientific principles that govern them.