How do pulleys work? - Presentation

Year 3
How do pulleys work? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education
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A pulley is a simple machine that eases the lifting of heavy objects by employing a wheel and a rope, cord, or chain. It operates on the principle of redirecting the force applied, allowing for a mechanical advantage that makes the task of lifting easier. Students are encouraged to watch educational videos to grasp the concept of how pulleys function and to explore the different types utilised in everyday life. During the class, pupils will actively engage with various pulleys, experimenting with lifting objects and documenting their efforts through photographs to be recorded in their science books. The teacher's notes suggest that pulleys are more common in our daily lives than we might think, hinting at their presence in many modern machines and suggesting that students keep an eye out for them in their surroundings.

The educational session also delves into the broader concept of forces, which are central to understanding how pulleys work. Students are tasked with working scientifically by asking relevant questions, setting up enquiries, and conducting fair tests to explore forces such as friction on different surfaces. Additionally, they are encouraged to create a game involving magnets, allowing them to plan, design, and evaluate their creations. In a third task, the use of a pulley is directly applied to lift an object, where students measure the effort required. Throughout these tasks, pupils are expected to make careful observations, gather and present data, and draw conclusions using scientific language, thereby enhancing their understanding of forces and the practical application of pulleys.