Classification - Alien Classification Key (1)

Science Resource Description
In this engaging classification activity, students are tasked with identifying different alien species using a classification key based on their unique physical characteristics. Each alien is represented by a letter from 'a' to 'l', and the goal is to match these letters to the correct alien names provided in a list. The classification process involves a series of questions that help students to distinguish one alien from another. The primary questions are whether the aliens have antennae or wings, which splits the group into different categories.
Following the initial sorting, the aliens are further classified based on the number of eyes they possess, with options ranging from one to three. For example, aliens with antennae are then asked if they have wings, and depending on the answer, the number of eyes they have leads to their specific name. The same process is applied to aliens without antennae, with the number of eyes again being the determining factor. The activity culminates in an answer sheet where each letter corresponding to an alien is matched with its correct name, such as 'a' for Goz, 'b' for Dool, all the way through to 'l' for Trog. This exercise not only helps students learn about classification and sorting but also enhances their deductive reasoning skills.