Dinosaurs - Dino Cards

Science Resource Description
Dino Cards provide an engaging and educational glimpse into the prehistoric world of dinosaurs, categorising them by their diet and geographical origins. The formidable Tyrannosaurus Rex, known for its carnivorous diet, roamed North America, as did the Triceratops, a plant-eating species. The Carnotaurus, another meat-eater, hailed from South America, while the Spinosaurus, which also consumed meat, lived in Africa. Asia was home to the Velociraptor, a swift predator, while the towering Brachiosaurus, a herbivore, was found in North America.
The long-necked Diplodocus and the Iguanodon, both herbivores, dwelled in North America and Europe respectively. North America was also the habitat of the Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus, both plant eaters with distinctive body armaments. The Therizinosaurus, an Asian herbivore, and the Ceratosaurus, a carnivore from North America, represent the diversity of dinosaur diets. The Kentrosaurus, a plant-eater, lived in Asia, while the Liliensternus hunted for meat in Europe. Rounding out the collection are the Vulcanodon, an African herbivore, and the Muttaburrasaurus, a plant-eating dinosaur from Australasia.