Negative Numbers - PowerPoint

Year 4
Negative Numbers - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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In a mathematics lesson tailored for Year 4 students, the concept of negative numbers is introduced and explored. The lesson aims to help students understand and practise counting forwards and backwards through zero. To visualise this concept, a number line is employed, illustrating that numbers to the right of zero are positive, while those to the left are negative. This visual representation aids in grasping the idea that numbers decrease in value as they move left and increase as they move right on the number line. For example, students are asked to compare which is the greater number between -5 and -2, with the understanding that -2 is greater because it is positioned closer to zero on the number line.

Building on this understanding, students are then challenged with a series of exercises that involve counting in steps from various negative and positive starting points. These exercises are designed to reinforce their ability to navigate the number line in both directions. For instance, students may be asked to count forwards in steps of 1 from -2, or count back in steps of 3 from 2. Additional worksheets provide sequences with missing numbers that require students to fill in the gaps, further solidifying their comprehension of negative numbers and their place within the broader number system. These activities not only teach the concept of negative numbers but also encourage the development of counting and sequencing skills.

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