Can Protests be Fun Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 1
Can Protests be Fun Lesson Plan
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Resource Description

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The VotesforSchools lesson plan for Primary 5-7 students poses the intriguing question: "Should protests be fun?" The aim is to engage young learners in a critical discussion about the nature of protests and the role of enjoyment within them. In this lesson, students will explore what a protest is and deliberate the idea of protests being fun. The lesson is structured to facilitate understanding and participation from all students, with supporting materials provided for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and challenge tasks to stretch more able learners.

Beginning with a brief review of the previous week's topic, the lesson quickly moves into a starter activity where students examine an image of a protestor and discuss the emotions involved. This is followed by a definition of a protest and an exploration of the reasons why people might choose to protest. The lesson then introduces this week’s VoteTopic, prompting students to think critically about the effectiveness of different actions for making positive change. Students individually reflect on various scenarios to decide their willingness to participate, and as a whole class, they evaluate opinions on whether protests should be fun, expressing agreement or disagreement through simple gestures. The lesson culminates in a vote where students review the arguments and cast their votes on the central question, thereby practising democratic engagement and decision-making.

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