Internet & Friendships Lesson Presentation

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 1
Internet & Friendships Lesson Presentation
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Resource Description

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The VotesforSchools 2022 lesson presentation for Primary KS1 students begins with a thought-provoking discussion about the activities children enjoy with their friends, such as playing games, eating, watching videos, and exploring. The challenge posed to the children is to consider which of these activities they also do with friends on the internet. This leads to a deeper exploration of the internet's role in friendships, particularly in light of the upcoming Safer Internet Day. The children are encouraged to reflect on whether the internet helps to foster friendships or if it could potentially hinder them.

As part of the learning journey, the presentation guides the children through various interactive activities. These include 'Stand up, sit down' exercises where they express their opinions on what qualities are important in a friendship by standing up or sitting down. The children also engage in 'Thumbs up, thumbs down' activities to evaluate scenarios where internet use could be either beneficial or detrimental to friendships. The session culminates in a group discussion and a voting activity, where children are asked to consider if the internet is bad for friendships, providing reasons for their opinions. The lesson aims to encourage critical thinking and open dialogue about the impact of the internet on social relationships among young students.

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