Fitting in at school Lesson Plan

English Resource Description
This lesson plan for Key Stage 2 pupils centres around the concept of 'fitting in' at school and is structured to facilitate discussion, reflection, and action on the topic. The lesson kicks off with a one-minute review of feedback from the previous week's topic, allowing the whole class to see the results and share their thoughts. Following this, a two to five-minute starter activity encourages pupils to pair up and contemplate the groups they belong to and the labels they use to describe themselves, promoting self-awareness and a sense of identity.
As the lesson progresses, the class explores why 'fitting in' is a relevant and newsworthy topic, before examining a series of statements in a whole-class activity to appreciate the diversity within their midst. The next part of the lesson involves analysing scenarios to identify bullying and discuss appropriate responses. Pupils then express their agreement or disagreement with various statements using a simple thumbs-up or thumbs-down gesture. The session concludes with each pupil making an individual pledge against bullying. Additionally, the lesson plan includes a 'Career Launchpad' to extend learning beyond the classroom and a voting activity where pupils can engage with arguments for and against the topic before casting their vote. Throughout the lesson, keywords such as 'Bullying', 'Pressure', and 'Fitting in' are highlighted, and resources for Anti-Bullying Week and a 'Career Spotlight' on creating a job advert for an anti-bullying officer are suggested to further the pupils' engagement and understanding.