Stage 5: Reading CCVC and CVCC Words guidance - Resource

English Resource Description
Stage 5 of the All Aboard Phonics Plus Manual is focused on teaching children to read CCVC (consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant) and CVCC (consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant) words. It's important that children have completed Phases 2 and 3 before embarking on Stage 5, as the CCVC and CVCC words are introduced in Phase 4 of the main Synthetic Phonics programme. The guidance includes a variety of interactive lesson plans to engage children in word play, reading, and decoding activities. For example, in Session 1, children are encouraged to play with words by changing graphemes and matching pictophones to create new words, fish for trainertext words from a hat, and come full circle with a word on a whiteboard by changing one grapheme at a time, even creating nonsense words.
The activities continue across five sessions, with imaginative games like 'Moor Up The Boat', where children match spoken words to flashcards, and 'Feed the Sea Monster', where they feed the monster only nonsense words. The lessons incorporate a range of resources such as grapheme cards, pictophone cards, and trainertext word cards. To support children's learning, sound buttons can be used to help with decoding, and a Decoding Aid sheet is available for when children struggle to find the right sound. The manual also provides a word bank with a mix of real and nonsense words to use in various activities, ensuring that children can practice reading words with different vowel and consonant combinations. Additionally, the programme includes daily guided reading sessions, where children are encouraged to re-read phrases for fluency, and extra group activities like 'Pass The Treasure' for a fun, collaborative learning experience.