All Aboard Phonics Plus Baseline Assessment Process - Resource
English Resource Description
The All Aboard Phonics Plus Baseline Assessment Process is a comprehensive resource designed to help educators identify the underlying causes of reading difficulties in children. The process involves a checklist that educators can use to pinpoint specific issues that may be hindering a child's reading development. This checklist is a crucial first step in determining the appropriate action to take for each individual student. It is important to note that many children may exhibit multiple factors contributing to their reading challenges, and the instructions provided should be followed with care to ensure the correct measures are implemented.
In cases where a child's reading difficulties do not align neatly with any of the categories outlined, the resource suggests referring to the book "The 9 Main Causes of Reading Difficulty," which details the most common issues encountered. The experience of the creators, who have worked with thousands of children, suggests that these nine causes can account for all patterns of reading difficulty observed. Once the cause of difficulty is identified using the checklist, the educator can then determine the suitable starting stage for the child within the All Aboard Phonics Plus (AAP+) Intervention program. This is achieved by matching the child's needs to the corresponding stage of the intervention, and then confirming the accuracy of this placement with further assessments. The results are recorded on the Intervention Tracking Sheet, which provides a clear plan to begin the targeted phonics intervention.