Week 13, lesson 1 "ou" Digraph and Phonemes "ow", short "oo", long "oo,oa"- Phonics Phase 5, unit 2 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 13, lesson 1 "ou" Digraph and Phonemes "ow", short "oo", long "oo,oa"- Phonics Phase 5, unit 2 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the first lesson of Week 13, the focus is on the digraph and the various phonemes it represents, including /ow/, the short /oo/, the long /oo/, and /oa/. The objective of the lesson is to familiarise children with all the sounds that the digraph can typically make. This fits within the Phonics Phase 5, Unit 2 curriculum, aiming to broaden the students' understanding of phonemes and graphemes.

The lesson begins with a 'Quickdash' activity, where children quickly revisit grapheme flashcards, shouting out the corresponding phonemes. This includes previously learned digraphs and trigraphs, and is designed to reinforce their phonetic recognition at a brisk pace. Following this, the teacher writes the digraph on the board and invites the children to suggest possible phonemes it might represent. With the help of visual aids such as Owl, Ook, Oon, and Ogre, the children explore words like sound, should, soup, and soul to illustrate each phoneme. The 'Word Sort' exercise then allows children to decode words and sort them into columns based on the correct phoneme, while the 'Sound Gangplank' activity uses a resource where children decode words and match them to corresponding pictures. Finally, the lesson includes practice with mini whiteboards, where children write dictated words or sentences to apply their learning in a written context.

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