Week 5, Guided Reading "Rodney's Game" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 1 - Worksheet

English Resource Description
The guided reading session for Week 5, focusing on "Rodney's Game," integrates Phonics Phase 5, Unit 1, and encourages students to delve into the story while considering their reading comprehension skills. The comprehension questions provided aim to test the students' understanding of the narrative. They are asked to recall the title of the book, describe the events that befell Rodney, and explain why Rodney believes he's part of the game. Further questions probe Rodney's strategy for exiting the game, the source of his extra life stones, and the new powers he acquired. Students are also invited to ponder whether Rodney's experience was real or just a dream, and to justify their opinion.
To deepen the students' engagement and personal connection to the story, bonus questions invite them to reflect on their feelings about being in a computer game, share their own experiences with strange dreams, and discuss their views on appropriate screen time. These questions not only stimulate critical thinking but also allow for a discussion on digital literacy and well-being. The activities accompanying the session include a worksheet where students can express their thoughts creatively by finishing a sentence and colouring a picture, quiet reading time for further immersion, and an interactive element where they can play a board game or use a tablet to imagine being inside a game, mirroring Rodney's adventure.