Week 3, lesson 2 Compound Words- Phonics Phase 5, unit 1 - Lesson plan

English Resource Description
The lesson plan for Week 3, Day 2 of Phonics Phase 5 focuses on the concept of compound words for young learners. The objective of the lesson is to practice and understand that compound words are formed when two or three smaller words are combined to create a new word with its own meaning, such as 'basketball' or 'bedroom'. Students are introduced to the idea that a compound is something made of more than one part, and this concept is applied to language learning.
The lesson begins with a revisiting activity called 'Quickwrite', where students are asked to write down the grapheme corresponding to a phoneme said aloud by the teacher. This exercise is repeated with multiple phonemes to warm up the students. The teaching and practice phase involves writing compound words on the board and engaging the children in clapping out the syllables, helping them to physically feel the word parts. Volunteers are then encouraged to come to the board to separate the words with slashes and blend them together, with examples including 'backlash', 'airlift', 'bedbug', 'bluebird', 'bluebell', and 'blackout'. The application of the lesson uses a 'Yes/No' game where children use flashcards to respond to phrases that include compound words, improving their decoding skills and reinforcing their understanding of the concept. Volunteers are also asked to read each phrase to the class, further enhancing their reading and comprehension.