Week 0, lesson 4 Review (ai,ee,igh,oa,oo,ar,or) - Phonics Phase 5, unit 1 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 0, lesson 4 Review (ai,ee,igh,oa,oo,ar,or) - Phonics Phase 5, unit 1 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the fourth lesson of Week 0 for Phase 5 Phonics, students review key graphemes that have been previously introduced. The lesson plan is structured to reinforce the understanding of the grapheme-phoneme correspondence through engaging activities. The lesson starts with a 'Quickdash' activity where children rapidly go through flashcards containing the graphemes 'ai', 'ee', 'igh', 'oa', 'oo', 'ar', and 'or'. The aim is to have the children shout out the associated phoneme as each grapheme is shown, with the pace gradually increasing to challenge their recall speed.

For the teaching segment, the instructor places the day's grapheme flashcards alongside pictophone flashcards on the board, but in a random order. Each pictophone, a visual mnemonic device, is explained along with the phoneme it represents. For instance, the 'Ogre in a Toga' helps children remember the /oa/ sound. After a few repetitions, children are asked to match the phoneme to its corresponding grapheme by drawing a line between them. The practice and application part of the lesson involves a 'Sound Jump' activity. Pictophone flashcards are placed on the floor, and the class is divided into groups around them. As the teacher calls out a phoneme, the group assigned to it jumps up. The activity is then repeated with grapheme flashcards to further consolidate the learning of the grapheme-phoneme associations.

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