Week 5, lesson 2 Tricky Words Review Day - Phonics Phase 4 - Lesson plan

Nursery - Reception
Week 5, lesson 2 Tricky Words Review Day - Phonics Phase 4 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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The lesson plan for Week 5, Day 2 of the Phonics Phase 4 programme is dedicated to revisiting and reinforcing tricky words. The objective of the day is clear: to review the tricky words that have been introduced in this phase. The session starts with a 'Quickwrite' activity where children are prompted to write down the grapheme that corresponds to a phoneme said aloud, using their whiteboards. This is a warm-up exercise aimed at refreshing their memory and preparing them for the day's focus.

Following the warm-up, the lesson moves onto more interactive activities such as 'Tricky Word Jump'. Here, the children are shown shuffled tricky word cards and must jump up when they spot a pre-identified word. This is not only engaging but also helps to enhance their word recognition skills. The 'Tricky Word Race' is another dynamic activity where children are split into teams and compete to read the words from flashcards as quickly as possible. This activity encourages quick recall and accurate reading of the tricky words. Finally, the lesson concludes with an 'Apply' stage where children are asked to write some of the tricky words and phrases dictated to them onto their mini whiteboards, providing an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and retention of the words learnt.

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