Week 5, lesson 1 CCVC Review Day - Phonics Phase 4 - Presentation

English Resource Description
Week 5, lesson 1 focuses on a thorough review of CCVC words as part of the Phonics Phase 4 curriculum. The lesson begins with an introductory activity that sets the stage for revisiting previously learned CCVC word structures. This is a crucial step in reinforcing the students' understanding and recall of these word patterns. Following the introduction, the lesson moves on to a 'Quickdash' activity, which serves as an engaging and fast-paced way to revisit the sounds and words that the students have been learning.
The core teaching segment of the lesson introduces a series of CCVC words such as 'clam', 'spin', 'clip', 'slip', 'twig', 'felt', 'skip', 'trap', and 'stop'. This is an opportunity for students to focus on the pronunciation and spelling of each word, enhancing their phonemic awareness and decoding skills. To further apply their knowledge, the lesson includes a 'Word Match' activity, where students are encouraged to match words with pictures or definitions, promoting their ability to recognize and understand these words in context. The lesson concludes with work on mini whiteboards, allowing students to apply their learning by writing out the CCVC words, thus solidifying their grasp of the material covered in the lesson.