Week 11, lesson 2 Review Week: Digraphs/Trigraphs - Phonics Phase 3 - Lesson plan

English Resource Description
During Week 11, Day 2 of the phonics curriculum, Year 1 students embark on a review session that focuses on consolidating their understanding of specific digraphs and trigraphs (sh, ch, th, ng, ear, air) learned in Phase 3. The objective of the lesson is to revisit and reinforce these combined phonemes that produce unique sounds in words. The lesson begins with a lively 'Quickdash' activity where students rapidly identify the sounds from flashcards featuring graphemes and corresponding pictophones, shouting out the phonemes as they appear.
The teaching segment, 'Sound-A-Word', involves writing words containing the targeted sounds on the board. The class works together to decode and blend the sounds, reinforcing their phonemic awareness. To put their knowledge into practice, the 'Quickwrite' exercise has the children writing the graphemes for the spoken phonemes on their whiteboards, then displaying their work for the group to see. The application of their skills is further developed in the 'Phrase Draw' activity, where students decode a given phrase – "A thin chap on a ship" – and illustrate their understanding by drawing it on their whiteboards. To round off the lesson, extension activities such as 'Sound Splat', 'Sound Sorter', and 'Phoneme Frame' are available to challenge the students further and deepen their grasp of the digraphs and trigraphs.