Week 4, lesson 1 Phoneme "k" Grapheme "ck" - Phonics Phase 2 - presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 4, lesson 1 Phoneme "k" Grapheme "ck" - Phonics Phase 2 - presentation
All Aboard Learning
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In the first lesson of Week 4, young learners are introduced to the phoneme "k" and its corresponding grapheme "ck". This phonics phase 2 lesson is designed to help students recognise and pronounce the "k" sound in words, a fundamental skill in their reading development. The lesson begins with an introduction to the sound, after which students revisit previous learning through a 'Quickdash' activity, designed to refresh their memory and prepare them for the new content. The teaching segment then presents the sound within the context of simple words, such as 'kid can kick', to demonstrate the use of the "k" sound in a relatable and memorable way.

Following the teaching phase, students move on to practising the new phoneme through engaging activities like 'WORD MATCH', which helps to reinforce their understanding of how the "ck" grapheme represents the "k" sound in words. The 'APPLY' stage of the lesson encourages students to make connections between the sound and its use in sentences. Activities like 'CAPTION MATCH' and phrases such as 'Pick a cat' and 'A dog is sick' allow learners to apply their phonics knowledge in context, further embedding the phoneme "k" into their literacy skills. The lesson concludes with a return to the menu, signalling the end of the session and the transition to the next learning activity.