Gymnastics 1 - Lesson 3

Physical Education Resource Description
In Year 5 Gymnastics Lesson 3, pupils focus on refining their rolling techniques with an emphasis on safety and control. The learning objectives for this session are to perform a variety of routines that incorporate rolling, ensuring students can roll safely by keeping their chin tucked in, consolidating different types of rolls, and using diverse entrances and exits. The success criteria set clear expectations for pupils to demonstrate their ability to roll with care, combine a range of rolls, and transition smoothly into and out of their rolls. Key vocabulary such as 'entrance', 'exit', 'tuck shape', and 'core strength' are introduced to enhance understanding and communication. The equipment required for the lesson includes cones and gymnastics mats, with additional bibs for a tag cool down game.
The lesson is structured into a warm-up, main activity, and cool-down. During the 10-minute warm-up, pupils practice listening skills while engaging in various movements like jogging, balancing, hopping, and directional play. The 30-minute main activity involves partnering up to discuss and practice rolling, with a focus on forward and backward rolls, including safe techniques and performance elements such as entrances, exits, and shapes at low and medium levels. Pupils are encouraged to support each other and are given the opportunity to perform their routines to their peers. The session concludes with a 10-minute cool-down where pupils engage in strength-building exercises like press-ups and sit-ups, followed by a reflective period where they lie on their backs, close their eyes, and consider what they have learned, using the session's key vocabulary to discuss their own and their partners' performances.