Dance 2 - Lesson 3

Physical Education Resource Description
In the third lesson of the Year 4 Dance 2 series, the students are encouraged to explore and express the concept of Seed Germination through movement. The learning objectives are clear: students should be able to select and explore a variety of movements, repeat and link actions with coordination, and provide feedback using simple dance vocabulary with teacher support. The lesson is structured to stimulate imagination and creativity, as pupils will use movements to represent the life cycle of plants, focusing on the journey from seed through growth to death. Key vocabulary such as 'phrase', 'complimenting', 'seed', 'germination', 'root', and 'shoot' are introduced to enhance the children's understanding and expression of the dance theme.
The lesson begins with a warm-up where the teacher models different travelling steps and pupils form groups to create shapes with a limited number of body parts touching the floor. Transitioning to the main activity, the students discuss the characteristics of seeds and engage in the 'Seed Drill', where they move around the space imitating various seed dispersal methods, such as wind, water, animal, and explosion. The pupils then work in pairs to create a dance phrase showing the process of seed germination, with one pupil representing the root and the other the shoot. The session concludes with a performance of their dance phrases, followed by feedback based on the success criteria. To cool down, students repeat the 'Body Parts' activity from the warm-up and engage in stretching and breathing exercises, preparing them to return to their next class activity with a calm focus.