Dance - Lesson 1

Physical Education Resource Description
In the first lesson of a dance series for Year 4 students, the objective is to master a simple range of traditional Indian dance arm and hand gestures. To achieve success, pupils will explore, repeat, and connect a variety of actions with coordination, respond to musical beats, and work collaboratively to create a short dance routine using the learned gestures. The lesson introduces key vocabulary such as 'phrase', 'gesture', 'Bollywood', 'narrative', and 'dynamics'. Essential equipment includes gymnastic mats for the cooldown and Bollywood dance music to set the rhythm and mood for the session. The lesson starts with a warm-up where the teacher outlines the dance zone and models different travelling steps, such as walking, marching, or skipping, while pupils practice moving to a beat. This is followed by a transition where pupils prepare for the main activity by sitting and placing their hands on their knees.
The core of the lesson delves into the vibrant world of Bollywood dance, where pupils learn about its origins, combining elements of traditional Indian dances with Western influences, and its use in celebrations like Holi and Diwali. The teacher introduces hand gestures that are used to narrate stories, such as the tales of Rama and Sita, and demonstrates a variety of Indian dance hand and arm positions, including 'The Fan', 'The Peacock', 'Happy Sign', 'Prayer', 'Lotus', and 'Flute'. Pupils are encouraged to mirror these gestures and later use them to create their own dance phrases in pairs, with Bollywood music playing to inspire their movements. The lesson concludes with a performance where pairs showcase their dance phrases, receive feedback, and reflect on their learning. The cooldown involves repeating the 'Beats' activity from the warm-up and includes stretching and breathing exercises to relax the body after the energetic session.