Dance 3 - Lesson 3

Physical Education Resource Description
In the third lesson of Dance 3, Year 1 students are encouraged to create simple dance phrases inspired by the shapes and textures of shells. The learning objectives are clear: students should be able to invent movement ideas, repeat and connect actions with coordination, and provide feedback using basic dance terms with the help of their teacher. The lesson is rich with key vocabulary such as 'motif', 'phrase', 'gesture', and 'movement', as well as words that evoke the seaside like 'ebb', 'flow', 'flotsam', and 'jetsam'. The resources required for this lesson include gymnastic mats for the cool down and seaside-themed music, with Debussy's 'La Mer' recommended as a fitting choice.
The lesson begins with a warm-up where the teacher models different ways of travelling, such as walking, marching, and skipping, and students are invited to take on leadership roles by demonstrating these movements. The 'Sweet Shop' game encourages pupils to move around the space, responding to commands that relate to different sweets, with actions like stretching into shapes or mimicking the blowing and bursting of a bubble. The main part of the lesson involves discussing seaside-related topics and using imagination to explore different beach items. Students then create gestures and dance motifs that represent various shell shapes, with opportunities for improvisation and composition. The lesson concludes with a cool down that revisits the 'Sweet Shop' activity and includes stretching and breathing exercises on gymnastic mats.