Throwing: Discus - Lesson Plan

Physical Education Resource Description
In the second lesson of the Athletics unit for Year 5, students are introduced to the techniques of throwing with a specific focus on discus. The objectives of this lesson are multi-faceted: students aim to replicate the correct throwing technique, explore various pull and slinging throws, understand the impact of body mechanics on the distance of a throw, and learn to provide constructive feedback to improve their partner's technique. Essential resources for the lesson include cones, hoops, and quoits, and students will become familiar with key terms such as speed, explosive, and follow through, which are integral to their success in the activities.
The lesson begins with a warm-up called 'Roll and Retrieve', where students work in pairs to roll an object and time each other's retrieval speed, focusing on grip and body momentum to increase throwing distance. This is followed by a 'Quoit Target Throwing' activity, which involves aiming quoits at hoop targets and includes an added challenge of clearing obstacles to encourage a higher throw trajectory. The core of the lesson is 'Discus Throwing', where students work in pairs to practice and refine their discus technique, aiming to increase their throw distance by using a 'coiled spring' action, and recording their best attempts with cones for measurement. The session concludes with a 'Back to Back Game' during the cool down, where students pass various equipment to each other in inventive ways, focusing on hand preparation and coordination. This interactive and engaging lesson plan is designed to enhance students' throwing skills and their understanding of athletics.