Medium Term Plan - Volleyball - GCSE

Physical Education
Year 10 - Year 11
Medium Term Plan - Volleyball - GCSE
PE Resources Bank
PE Resources Bank
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The medium-term plan for Volleyball at Key Stage 4 GCSE level spans six lessons, designed to refine core skills within the context of gameplay, enabling students to reach the performance standards expected in GCSE assessments. The intent of the course is to enhance the students' technical abilities in volleyball, including advanced skills such as setting, digging, serving, spiking, and blocking. It also aims to develop their tactical acumen, enabling them to outwit opponents by exploiting their weaknesses and using strategic court positioning. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the game's rules, terminology, and the importance of mental and physical preparation in sports.

As the course progresses, students will build upon the foundational skills acquired at Key Stage 3, with an increased level of complexity and challenge. They will engage in pressurised game situations to refine their tactical planning, learn to make strategic decisions, and develop coaching and umpiring skills to deepen their knowledge of the game. The course also addresses personal development, highlighting the importance of sportsmanship and the positive impact of regular exercise on health and social well-being. By the end of the course, students will have improved their problem-solving abilities, set challenges, and made informed decisions that enhance their gameplay. The course also explores potential careers in the sports industry, including coaching, teaching, journalism, nutrition, sports psychology, and physiotherapy, among others.

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