Pass Follow - Rugby

Physical Education
Year 9
Pass Follow - Rugby
PE Resources Bank
PE Resources Bank
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In a structured rugby drill known as 'Pass Follow', players work on their passing and movement skills in a dynamic and continuous exercise. The setup requires one player, designated as X, to begin the drill by feeding the ball into play. Another player, positioned at point Y, runs straight ahead to receive this pass and then swiftly passes the ball to a third player at point Z. After completing the pass, the Y player moves to take the place of the Z player, ready to receive the next ball in the sequence.

The flow of the drill is maintained as the ball reaches the end of the line; players then run back towards the starting point, returning the ball to the X position and joining the back of the queue. This drill is designed to enhance players' passing accuracy and timing while also improving their ability to follow their pass and reposition themselves on the field. The continuous nature of the exercise ensures that players remain engaged and develop their skills in a game-like scenario.

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