The Great Egg Drop - Outdoor and Adventurous Activities

Physical Education
Year 8
The Great Egg Drop - Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
PE Resources Bank
PE Resources Bank
AI generated

The Great Egg Drop is an engaging outdoor and adventurous activity that challenges students to work collaboratively in teams of three or four. The task at hand is to construct a device using only 20 straws and 30 inches of masking tape that will protect an egg from breaking when dropped from a height of 8 feet. The key to success is to use the materials as sparingly as possible, encouraging innovation and resourcefulness among the participants. As the teams embark on this challenge, they must carefully plan their approach, as there is no opportunity for a second attempt once the materials have been utilised. Additionally, teams are encouraged to guard their designs from prying eyes to maintain a competitive edge.

After the egg drop, an evaluation process allows students to reflect on the outcome and their team's approach. Questions such as whether the egg remained intact and the reasons for the success or failure of the structure prompt critical thinking. Students are encouraged to consider alternative strategies they might employ if given another chance. Team dynamics are also explored, discussing the presence of a leader and the decision-making process within the group. To extend the learning experience, students can brainstorm ways to modify the task to make it either easier or harder, thereby understanding the variables that can affect the results of their designs. This activity not only tests their engineering skills but also fosters teamwork, leadership, and evaluative skills.