French pastry (pulse) - Song

Year 1 - Year 2
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Resource Description

French Pastry (pulse)

This music is called French Pastry! Because it has a steady pulse, it's good for learning to march in time. In the middle section, you could ask the children to listen out for the boom of the drum and do a 'bang the drum' action when they hear it - this is easier if you march too and model how to do the drum action. Take the opportunity to tell the children that the music's steady pulse makes it good for marching so that they experience the word, pulse in context.

Can the children say whether they think it is happy or sad music, and why? At this stage, children tend to latch onto one quality of the music and all say the same thing so you could say the you think it's happy because it has such a cheerful tune.

Pastry-Making (Cross curricular)

The children could help with making (and eating) real pastry and would then be able to mime the pastry-making actions to this music. (Remember to check for food allergies.)

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