Hi-lo, hi-lo (pitch) - Song

Year 1 - Year 2
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Resource Description

Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo (pitch)

You need hula hoops for this game, enough for one per child, and a fairly large space is needed to lay them on the ground. Although I don't generally use a piano much in my teaching, it's useful for this game because there's a lot of difference between high and low pitch notes (cover the middle keys with a cloth so that they can't be used). If you don't have a piano, use the longest and shortest chime bars you have, or the biggest xylophone (take the middle bars off first). You will first need to play and sing some high and low pitched notes and name them as high or low until the children begin to understand that it's pitch that changes, not volume - the game then reinforces their perception of pitch.

Everyone sings the song as they walk round and round, weaving in between the hoops. At the end of each verse, choose a different child to come out and play either very high or very low notes. If the note is high, the children jump into a 'boat' (a hoop) and stretch up high, and if the note is low, they crouch down low in the 'sea' (not in a hoop).

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