Button factory Joe, with actions - Song

Year 1 - Year 2
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Resource Description

Introducing Luchia, our singer!

I'd like you to meet Luchia Law next, the singer on virtually all the solo audios. Here she is performing Button Factory Joe and, in case you are wondering how she can do all those actions at the same time, you may like to know that Luchia is also a dancer! Most of the songs lend themselves to mime, which you can see Luchia doing here. Mime is great fun, it helps with understanding the meaning and character of a song and the children can do it with, or without, singing the words.

Button Factory Joe Activity

Children love to learn to say this, along with doing the actions - they could make a start by watching the video and copying the actions. You may need to bring to the children's attention that Luchia is saying the words and doing the actions in time with the pulse of the music, introducing the phrase, 'backing track', meaning pre-recorded accompaniment.

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