Copy kitten (pitch, rhythm, timbre) - Song

Year 4
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Copy Kitten (pitch, rhythm, timbre)

You need a toy fluffy cat for this game. Begin by asking the children to show you all the sounds they can make using their mouths and voices. Ask them to decide which is their favourite sound and then everyone practise copying each other's sounds.

Next, teach the song with everyone sitting in a circle. Child 1 holds the furry 'Copy Kitten' and makes a sound at the end of the verse for everyone to copy. Child 1 passes Copy Kitten to the second child in the circle; all sing the song again and Child 2 makes a sound for everyone to copy, and so on.

This activity also focuses on timbre, the essential difference between sounds made in different ways.

  • Copy kitten, copy kitten
  • Miaow miaow hiss
  • Copy kitten, copy kitten
  • Sounds like this