Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Doubling and halving decimal numbers

Maths Resource Description
Max Maths Year 5 practice exercises provide students with an opportunity to apply their understanding of doubling and halving to decimal numbers, as well as whole numbers. In the first set of questions, students are asked to calculate the double of numbers such as 145 and 1.45, as well as the half of numbers like 246 and 2.46. The exercise includes a range of numbers to double and halve, from whole numbers like 7 to decimals such as 0.07 and 5.9. This variety ensures that students become comfortable with the concept of doubling and halving across different types of numbers.
The second set of questions continues to challenge students with a similar task, focusing on halving numbers such as 0.8 and 2.34, and doubling numbers like 2.04 and 0.99. The exercise is designed to reinforce students' skills in dealing with decimal numbers, providing a thorough practice of the concept. Each question requires the student to apply their knowledge of basic arithmetic operations to decimals, enhancing their numerical fluency. For further practice and to check their answers, students are directed to a specific workbook page, ensuring they have ample opportunity to master these essential mathematical skills.