Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Nets of solids (3)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Nets of solids (3)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths programme for Year 4, students explore the fascinating world of three-dimensional shapes through the study of nets. A net is a two-dimensional shape that can be folded to form a 3D solid. The lesson 'Nets of Solids (3)' encourages students to examine and understand the nets of various 3D shapes, enhancing their spatial awareness and geometry skills. The shapes covered include the straightforward cube, whose net consists of six identical squares, and the cuboid, which is made up of rectangles and squares.

The lesson proceeds to more complex shapes such as the pyramid, with its triangular sides and square or rectangular base, the triangular prism, which combines rectangles and triangles in its net, and the hexagonal prism, which features a hexagon at both ends connected by rectangles. By looking at these nets, students learn how different two-dimensional patterns transform into three-dimensional solids when assembled. This knowledge lays the groundwork for understanding how shapes function in both mathematical and real-world contexts, such as in architecture and product packaging.