Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Parts of a whole and equivalent fractions (3)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Parts of a whole and equivalent fractions (3)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 4 curriculum, students are introduced to the concept of fractions as parts of a whole through engaging and visual examples. In one of the exercises, a square is divided into eight equal sections to illustrate the idea of fractions. Three of these sections are shaded to represent the fraction three-eighths, demonstrating to the students that exactly three-eighths of the square is coloured. Conversely, the remaining five sections, which are not shaded, represent five-eighths of the square, thereby showing the students that five-eighths of the square remains uncoloured. This visual representation helps students to easily grasp the concept of fractions and understand how a whole can be divided into equal parts.

Building on this understanding, the students are then presented with a problem involving a rectangle divided into seven equal parts. Jade, a character in the exercise, colours one part red and four parts green. Students are asked to determine the fraction of the rectangle that is red, green, and not coloured. Through this exercise, students learn that one-seventh of the rectangle is red, four-sevenths is green, and the remaining two-sevenths of the rectangle is not coloured. These practical examples solidify the students' understanding of fractions and help them visualise the division of shapes into equal parts, making the concept of fractions more tangible and less abstract.